Circaetus cinereus  Brown Snake Eagle  Bruinslangarend
Brown Snake Eagle
Kaingo Private Game Reserve, May 2021

A resident, but no evidence as yet of it breeding here. Fairly common, though less frequently recorded than Black-chested Snake Eagle (respectively 157:195 records), it occurs widely across the Waterberg (recorded in 49% of the Waterberg pentads); it is single birds that are usually encountered, typically surveying the surroundings from a high vantage point; the occasional sightings of pairs together would suggest that there might be a breeding population in the area.
Brown Snake Eagle
Kamonande, Dec 2022
Brown Snake Eagle
Doornfontein, Feb 2020

Brown Snake Eagle
Gemsbokfontein, Dec 2017
Brown Snake Eagle in flight
Doorndraai Dam, Jul 2018
Brown Snake Eagle
Kralingen, Sep 2019
Brown Snake Eagle
Caledonia, Sep 2017

being harrassed by a Fork-tailed Drongo

Brown Snake Eagle
Melkrivier, Feb 2018

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