Circaetus cinereus Brown Snake Eagle Bruinslangarend
Kaingo Private Game Reserve, May 2021
A resident, but no evidence as yet of it breeding here. Fairly common, though less frequently recorded than Black-chested Snake Eagle (respectively 157:195 records), it occurs widely across the Waterberg (recorded in 49% of the Waterberg pentads); it is single birds that are usually encountered, typically surveying the surroundings from a high vantage point; the occasional sightings of pairs together would suggest that there might be a breeding population in the area.
Kamonande, Dec 2022
Doornfontein, Feb 2020
Gemsbokfontein, Dec 2017
Doorndraai Dam, Jul 2018
Kralingen, Sep 2019
Caledonia, Sep 2017
being harrassed by a Fork-tailed Drongo
Melkrivier, Feb 2018